Alumni Stories: Alumni-founded publications

Many of our MFA alumni have gone on to create literary journals. Here are three online journals:


433 is a journal of literature, art and commentary that began as a running collection of “moments of silence” from various places around the world, experienced in isolation, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Founded by MFA alums Stewart Sinclair and Patrick Pawlowski, along with CCNY undergrad English graduate Stephanie Gaitán, the project was initially an assignment for a class of writing students displaced by the pandemic. The prompt was simple: listen to John Cage’s 4’33”, a composition that is essentially four-minutes and thirty-three seconds of silence, and write about what you experienced during your “performance.” The site has since grown into a broader literary journal focused on powerful storytelling that responds to the times.

Visit 433


OyeDrum is an intersectional feminist collective, community, and online publisher, dedicated to women’s creative and intellectual work. They provide a platform for all types of voices and explorative work in creative writing, performance, and media, exclusively by women (non-binary and trans inclusive), for all audiences. Their quarterly issue is themed and broken into volumes, and their weekly section is open to all subjects and genres. OyeDrum’s mission is to nurture, develop and promote female talent, encourage the weird and experimental, and to create a safe space for women to freely express themselves. Find your voice, and use it.

Visit OyeDrum


Founded by CCNY MFA in Creative Writing alum in 2018, Re: An Ideas Journal is a meeting place of visual art, prose, science, and more. The idea came from Neal’s love of vintage clothing and found objects and the way in which one ‘re’cycles these objects, et al. to make them their own. This concept then grew from that which we acquire in this vein, to that which we create through our various art. All of the material presented incorporates a re-root word, such as relive, reinvent, reuse…into its framework in whatever way the artist chooses. (Re) is a product of this expanded idea. The journal, available quarterly online, features the work of artists/creators/thinkers in various categories.

Visit (Re): An Ideas Journal