A Conversation with Brian Tart,President and Publisher, Viking Penguin Tuesday, February 6th, 2024 5:00-6:30 pmRifkind Center, 6/316NAC building A discussion about the publishing industry for emerging writers Chai & Chat with David Groff, Poet, Professor, Editor Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024 5:00-6:30 pmRifkind Center, 6/316NAC building A reading to celebrate his […]
Join us for the latest in our new Spotlight reading series engaging authors, writers and the public in the most pressing conversations of our time, through the lens of literature and the arts. Spotlight: Writers on Iran In less than two years, four faculty have published books focusing on Iran from […]
In recent years, the publishing landscape has undergone a fundamental shift in how books are sold, marketed and read. This contemporary landscape can seem like it’s constantly changing, but for the aspiring writer, one aspect of the publishing process remains as important as it ever was: the book proposal. Recently, […]
Promethean Literary Magazine is City College of New York’s premier student-run literary arts publication.
Fiction is a literary magazine founded in 1972 by Mark Jay Mirsky, Donald Barthelme, Jane Delynn, and Max Frisch.